Day 13: May 30

 Today was the first day that I did not fully listen to Tori. I took my sweater off the bus and that turned out to be very beneficial when in Florence it started raining and the temperature dropped quite a bit. I was very glad that I had my poncho, rain jacket (which leaks through), and my umbrella. My shoes got halfway soaked through, but it was a better experience with the rain than last week.

I went to Palazza di Vecchio with Stephanie and Robin, but was really jealous that Tori—and later Lisa, along with some undergrads—went up about 29 flights of stairs to the botanical gardens. I am not a garden person, but the walk would’ve been great, and the view was absolutely stunning. Instead I felt very confined and sad that I only did one thing. 

Tori and Lisa said that they were in the Galileo museum with the undergrads, so I went to meet up with them, but they had actually left. So I did the museum on my own and felt even more sad. I think the biggest thing that threw me off, other than the “FOMO” was the fact that I really want to experience this with my husband. Yes, it means I need to come back with him!

Don’t get me wrong: the two museums were amazing, and combined they only cost me €26.50–a bit more from a roasted veggies lunch. But I feel like a lot of the experience was lost on me. Maybe I am more ready to be home than I thought.

Because of the two museums, I took about 167 pictures and videos today. It’s mentally exhausting to think that I go through all of them, renaming and resizing everything.

Palazzo di Vecchio

 personal chapel


 Map room


 Stephanie found a wine window!

Galileo Museum
Early globe                            Early sundials

             Apparatus to demonstrate the isochronism of falls along a spiral

Obstetrical terracottal models                Illustration of arm as lever                    Archimedes spiral

 Early periodic table


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